A few simple ways to help protect your website
There are a many ways that you can protect your WordPress website which are fairly easy to setup. Below is a small list of some. Give New Forest Online a call and we can talk through them with you 01590 688666.
- Host your website on a server you trust. New Forest Online’s servers are High speed, dedicated servers. We vet everyone who is hosted on our servers
- Install a decent Anti-virus plugin
- Install a server/website firewall
- Install a Malware Scanner
- Hide the /wp-admin directory
- Hide the wp-config.php file
- 2FA
- Disable access to the WordPress dashboard at times your not going to be using it
- File change detection
- Local and Network brute force detection
- Enforce strong password requirements
- Use SSL (Https)
- Changing WordPress salts
- Install a Anti-Spam captcha / reducing comment spam
- Performing regular malware and file change scans
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