January 2024

New Year New Website

New Forest Online are your local, friendly and experienced website designers in Lymington. Whether you are a small start-up business looking for a single-page website or a larger firm with additional requirements call 01590 688666 to discuss your website project with us.

April 2023

We’ve moved to a new office

We've moved. Our new office address is: Suite 2, 35B High Street, Lymington, SO419AF. Come in and say hi. We've not moved far (just over the courtyard) but have so much more space. Call us 01590 688666 to book an appointment to come in to discuss how we can help your business...

October 2022

September 2022

October 2021

new forest online 20 years

On the look out to grow our team

We are currently looking to grow the team here at New Forest Online. If you have a passion for Website Design please call our office in Lymington on 01590 688666 and ask to speak to Phil.

November 2020

We're open

We’re still open during lockdown 2.0

During this difficult time If you require help with Website design (current or new), website hosting, email solutions or any of our other services mentioned on this website please do let us know. 01590 688666. We'd be more than happy to talk things over with you and give you a...

October 2020

September 2020

A few simple ways to help protect your website

There are a many ways that you can protect your WordPress website which are fairly easy to setup. Below is a small list of some. Give New Forest Online a call and we can talk through them with you 01590 688666. Host your website on a server you trust. New...

July 2020

Be wary of phishing scams

Do not click on any links within suspicious looking E-mails which ask you to verify your details! Scammers and spambots are unfortunately getting a lot cleverer and it's becoming much harder to determine the difference from legitimate E-mail. Some are more obvious but often the E-mail from these scammers look...

June 2020

A new welcome telephone message

As New Forest Online grows so does our need for customer service. We now have a very lovely welcome message when people call our office phone 01590 688666. Let us know what you think and if we can do anything else to make your life easier when contacting us. Just to...

May 2020

April 2020


Here at New Forest Online we have been closely monitoring the situation with Coronavirus and are aware that many of our clients are working from home or remote destinations with limited access. We wanted to reassure our valued clients, we at New Forest Online are still able to offer the high...

October 2019

new forest online 20 years

On the look out to grow our team

We are currently looking to grow the team here at New Forest Online. If you have a passion for Website Design please call our office in Lymington on 01590 688666 and ask to speak to Phil.